Thursday, May 28, 2009

Violets 4 month's!

Violet turned 4 months old on May 28th and she is growing like a weed:) We had her 4th month Dr. visit today and everything went well. She weighs 15.7 lbs and she is 24.75 inches long. She is healthy and the Dr told me I can start on cereals and food if I wanted too. But I must start it by 6 months. She did get her shots and she did very well, she cried for just a few seconds but was all well once momma held her tightly. My little peanut, she is growing too fast for me to enjoy:(

She also rolled all the way over on June 1st! so proud of her. She is lifting her head great, trying her hardest to sit up (she so wants too), she is cooing, laughing, smiling, she can follow my voice. And Scarlett my boogie, she has been doing great...still working on the terrible twos but not too bad. She is a great listener, LOVES books - loves going to the library, loves her inflatable pool, loves to dress girly girl:)

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