Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hubby has hit the BIG 3-0!!

Happy Birthday sweety!!! It's V's 30th birthday today and we will be celebrating at home:) Scarlett helped make dadda his cake and I helped with dinner.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

5 month mark..

I just hit the 5 month mark and I'm feeling good:) I just
started feeling her kick just this week and alot more the past 24 hours.

Friday, September 26, 2008


We went in for our ultrasound and its is confirmed...we are adding another princess to the Aguilar throne:) Ans she looks very healthy! She even yawned for us. She was moving alot so the tech had a hard time getting all the images she needed. Virgil and Scarlett didn't come in until afterf 15 minutes since the tech said that babies are usually frighten seeing a dark room and having someone else touching mommy. She did ask me if I wanted to know but said NO, i needed my hubby and Scarlett in the room. And so they came and our little princess flashed us:) Scarlett kept saying "baby, baby", it was too cute!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prenatal visit - 5 months!

Went to the Dr. and everything looks wonderful!! The baby's heartbeat is pumping great and Scarlett was great today compared to other visits. The Dr. even checked Elmo's heartbeat for her :) Next up...ULTRASOUND!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our First Blog..

Hi everyone, this is our first blog so please excuse the mess..I'm so new to this :) I decided to create a family blog for the grandparents and extended family and close friends who may not be able to see us so often. I will do my best to update and add photos as soon as I can.

Lets say 08/09 is gonna be a busy year for the Aguilar's!