Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prenatal Visit: 37 weeks

Yesterday, January 27th I had my 37th week dr. appt. At the appt, we heard Violets heartbeat which was great like always and I was measuring 36 weeks. I also weighed 127 which I lost 2 lbs in 1 week but the nurse said that was normal. Well, my dr. went head and checked my cervix and streatched my membranes and I measure 3.5 cm. We were thrilled becuase we felt it was gonna happen yesterday.

So I got home and my mom and Scarlett headed to KMM, afterwards to Walmart. We came back home for Scarletts nap.

Then V suggested the treadmill so I did that and then I went to finish up a maternity photo shoot with Eliza from Glimpse of Soul Photography - you MUST see her work and book her!! in Old Katy which I did more walking but I had lots of fun!!! Thank you Eliza for a fun shoot!!

This was shot a little after 4 pm, got home at 5 and contractions started kicking was close call:)

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