Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. 2nd: ultrasound and 2 week visit for Violet

Just wanted to let you know what happened at my appts yesterday with my dr. and the ultrasound. Its great news!! At the ultrasound we got to see her again and she sure looks more and more like Scarlett, we saw every body part and of course V had to ask if we are still having a girl...YES we are, LOL! She also took shots of my cervix which from last Monday has maintained its size, it has not moved:)

Then I was off to my drs. and he said my belly and her heartbeat sound great! He was happy with my cervix but he wants to do another at my next appt. just to be reassured nothing has changed. He also told me to continue "taking it really easy", he did not say BEDREST, which I was happy about. But he did say to refrain from over doing it on household chores and walking (he said walking around the mall is a NO, NO). He said the bleeding was casued by my cervix which is not common but as long as it stabilizes until closer the due date, I shouldn't have another episode. So I was really happy with the visit and happy that V heard it from the dr as well.

I'll keep you all posted on my next visit on the 15th:)

1 comment:

Lerin said...

Hi Essie, I just now read your last couple of postsand am really sorry you had a scare with Violet! First, lovely choice for name. :) Second, I wanted to reassure you that we too had bleeding scares/ER trips with my third baby Ben, and everything turned out fine... he is beautiful, healthy, and easy. :)

Blessings on you and Miss Violet for the rest of this pregnancy, and try not to worry!!