Saturday, October 4, 2008

Overwhelmed with so much to do...

I was just looking at my calendar and realized I only have 3.5 months left to get EVERYTHING finished before our 2nd daughter arrives next year. It feels time is flying so fast that there is not enough hours to get everything done. I'm planner and when things are not done right away or how I want them too, I get pretty upset at myself...its just me. The list starts off with getting Scarletts Big Girl room completed, a few touches in there bathroom upstairs, get the nursery ready for our new arrival in 09, photo shoots for Halloween, Christmas and Maternity, find a christmas dress for Scarlett, start buying Scarlett's christmas gifts NOW!, need Halloween yard decor(I LOVE HALLOWEEN!), begin Scarlett's Bow Board for her new room, several birthday parties to attend, buying the essentials for our 2nd daughter, preparing for Scarlett's 2nd Birthday Party - mail invites, secure the location, attend the plany playdates and events we signed up for and get ready for Grandmama to arrive next year(she willbe here to help me out and spend some time with Scarlett and our new baby - I'M SOOOO EXCITED!)

Is that a long list of TO DO'S or what!!!

The Holidays are such a busy time for all of us:)

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