Life definitely threw me a curve ball! Late February my hubby broke his ankle and that definitely added him my 3rd baby, lol!! Yes, I have tacked on daddy duties as well. I'm doing it all for Violet, Scarlett and hubby:) Yes, it has been very trying at times but I'm trying my best to be there for each of them. Thankfully I have a great, helpful daughter by the name of Scarlett, she has helped out so much...I'm sorry princess if I get on to you but just know I love you bunches!!
Violet has just been eating, sleeping and pooping! The life!! She is doing really well and I have actually taken her out quite abit since I'm doing everything. She has been lifting her head which amazes me, we haven't mastered the roll over yet.
Scarlett like I said has been great!! my sweetheart:) We have finished the rest of the ABC'S and so she knows her shapes, colors, and numbers - up to 10. We plan to start working on sounds of the ABC's becuase she has really taken an interest in reading. Let me say we have read THE CAT AND THE HAT quite often. She also has been talking soo much and putting lots of words together! We try our best to watch our mouthes becuase what she picks up. She is also hasn't peed in her diapers during naps/bedtimes, I'm still watching this before I leave her undies on fulltime. I have also been taking her to the park alot, which she LOVES!!! lets her blow off her energy:) She
Hubby, well, I wish I could say he is better but he did get his stitches out and is wearing a space boot, he still can't put pressure for the next 5 weeks so I will continue doing everything on my own:( It'll be awhile till he really is able to walk on it.
As for myself, I'm taking it day by day...I'm happy that my family is healthy and trying there best to help me and my supportive friends that will hear me out:)
Back to the Jurassic (2015)
9 years ago
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